Future Income Balancing Act

Future Income Balancing Act

August 21, 2017 – A lot of people pretend to know a lot about retirement income planning. But few are truly as knowledgeable on the subject as Dr. Wade Pfau, Professor of Retirement Income at The American College and retirement researcher extraordinaire.

Not only does he analyze retirement alternatives with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker, he willingly shares the results of his thorough research with others in an engaging style that simplifies a subject that can otherwise Wade (I couldn’t resist) into esoterica.

As one of his biggest fans and followers, I find his research refreshing in a world where far too often practitioners focus solely on one approach to financial planning to the exclusion of all other approaches or who try to over-simplify the process. If you, like me and most of our clients, are looking for insight into how to more thoughtfully plan for your own future, I highly suggest this blog post by Dr. Pfau where he asks quite non-rhetorically:

Which is Better for Retirement Income: Insurance or Investments?

Like so much in life, balance matters when it comes to retirement income planning. People who drive cars that are out of alignment or subscribe to diets lacking variety often end up worse off for their planning failures or over-reliance on a single solution.

Why not be smarter?

Adopting a balanced approach to future income planning by understanding the benefits and risks associated with ALL the various methods advocated by knowledgeable professionals and then matching the strengths of each with your own future needs should lead you to your own retirement Zen.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Finn Financial Group