Just Posted: Structured Installment Sales Case Study on Our YouTube Channel

Just Posted: Structured Installment Sales Case Study on Our YouTube Channel

August 18, 2023 – For those seeking to defer, reduce, or in some rare instances, completely eliminate capital gains taxes on the sale of a business, real estate, or other qualifying appreciated asset, perhaps no method of tax deferral holds more promise than a Structured Installment Sale (SIS). They’re easy to implement, straightforward, and, when implemented properly, fully compliant with Section 453 of the Internal Revenue Code.

In our latest YouTube Channel offering, we offer a Structured Installment Sale Case Study No. 3 as a helpful peek inside the analysis one might go through to determine whether or not a SIS is right for them. In this episode we go through the analysis to compare and contrast a hypothetical cash sale of a business for $2,000,000 to a SIS for the same amount of money.

The net result? a SIS saves the client over $200,000 in capital gains taxes!

The video is only seven minutes long and makes a compelling case for anyone selling their business. For those reluctant to sell because of the tax hit they anticipate, a Structured Installment Sale can help ameliorate that worry by letting sellers keep more of their sales proceeds for themselves instead of sending them off unnecessarily to the federal and state government.

Structured Installment Sales. Be sure to check out our other publications and videos on this money-saving topic.

Finn Financial Group