A New at Ease

A New at Ease


Sometimes it’s just fun to find new ways to talk about annuities.  (Get it? A-new-at-ease?)

A few days ago, MONEY senior editor Walter Updegrave dispensed some helpful advice to a 55-year old woman worried about protecting her nest egg now that she’s ten years away from retirement in his column “55 and scared: ‘How do I protect my nest egg’.”

Among the passages that caught our eye was one that we’ve been emphasizing for years:

“And once you’ve actually retired and security becomes an even more pressing issue, you might want to consider other moves, such as investing a portion of your savings in an immediate annuity that can provide an assured level of income beyond what Social Security can provide.

Annuities aren’t right for everyone, but for safety, security and “longevity insurance,” it’s hard to beat a fixed income annuity in our view.  They’re low cost, easy to understand and you always know exactly what you’re going to receive.

If you are in the midst of settling a personal, physical injury claim, structured settlement annuities are even better because they are 100% income tax-free.

We help clients every day with structured settlements, structured attorney fees, roll-over 401(k) annuities and a variety of other applications.

Got a question?  Call us!  We’re here to help if you’re looking for guaranteed future financial security.  This is our firm’s specialty and we’re eager to be of service to you.

Finn Financial Group