

In an effort to help clients better understand the many benefits of structured settlements and annuities, we have assembled some helpful pamphlets designed to help you make more informed choices about your financial future.  (Special thanks to the National Structured Settlements Trade Association for producing several of these brochures)



Security and Stability to Last a Lifetime

Structured settlements are backed by life insurance companies that are well established, customer-focused and may provide an additional layer of security at a time when physical injury claimants need it most.

structured settlements

Historical Long-Term Interest Rates

Many investors still fondly remember the double-digit returns on securities they experienced in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Holding on to the past, they refrain from making financial commitments today on long-term obligations in hopes that rates will again rise to the levels of recent decades. But how realistic is this expectation?

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Financial Strategies with a Structured Settlement

Learn about several financial issues including wealth accumulation and the benefits of a structured settlement consultant.
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Your future. Guaranteed.

A lawsuit settlement could be your one chance to protect your financial future. Learn how a payment stream can accomplish this and hear from those who are seeing the benefits.
Buffet on Settlements

What Does Warren Buffett Know About Structured Settlements That You Don’t Know?

Structuring an Installment Sale

MetLife White Paper on Structured Installment Sales

Co-authored in part by MetLife’s tax and ERISA counsel, this white paper describes the tax authority for structured installment sales and provides a few case studies to illustrate the money-saving benefit in practice.

structured settlements

The Index-Linked Annuity Payment Adjustment Rider

When personal injury clients choose a structured settlement, they can look forward to many years of steady, guaranteed income. But is a fixed-payment settlement enough? What about inflation? And the rising cost of living?

An American Hero on Civil Rights & Structured Settlements

This four-page publication contains reflections about civil rights and structured settlements from U.S. Congressman John Lewis, the sole surviving speaker from the 1963 March. In addition to his courageous civil rights work, Mr. Lewis is a longtime proponent of structured settlements and the rights of accident survivors to accept claim settlements in a stream of tax-free income.

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Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt

At the core of the federal tax code’s explicit recognition of structured settlements is the concept of constructive receipt. This handout includes citations, for the doctrine of constructive receipt and offers a concise explanation about Congress’ intent and how the Internal Revenue Service has traditionally interpreted its application.

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Structured Settlements & Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim

Encouraged by the federal tax code, a qualified assignment offers several advantages for a defendant, including removing all future responsibility to the claimant and the prospect of more efficient claims handling.

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Financial Security When Your Whole Life is in Front of You

This helps explain the how people in their 20s and 30s can design future payments to take advantage of the federal tax rules that make structured settlements so financially attractive.

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Reducing Financial Risk in Your Middle Years

A structured settlement is an ideal way for people in their middle years to handle the increasing financial burdens of children, college, parents and retirement planning.

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Financial Security For The Golden Years

As people near retirement age, their notions of financial risk change considerably. Find out about structured settlements’ unique financial and security benefits and how these can be especially valuable for those who are in or nearing retirement.

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Annuity Security Handout

Find out why a structured settlement annuity is one of the safest possible ways to protect future income.

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Structured Settlements for Minors Handout

Injured children are at special risk from others taking financial advantage of them. A structured settlement not only protects their settlements, it can help settle their claims faster.

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Special Needs Trust Handout

With as little as $2,000 in assets, you can be disqualified from some government support programs. But a special needs trust funded with a structured settlement can help maintain your eligibility.

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Structures & Workers’ Compensation

The federal tax code encourages structured settlements for workers’ compensation claims. Find out more about how this option can provide steady tax-free income for a worker and that worker’s family.

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The Break-Even Rule of 100

Is waiting for a better interest rate a good strategy – or a costly one? The longer you wait, the longer it can take to make up lost interest. Calculate how long it will take to make up interest using the break-even rule of 100.

What is a Structured Settlement?

Structured Settlements: An Effective Solution for Meeting the Ongoing Financial Needs of Physical Injury Victims

Structured settlements have played a role in helping physical injury victims and their families for more than a quarter century.
claimant survey report

Claimant Survey Report

In 2013, Prudential Global Strategic Research — in conjunction with Prudential Structured Settlements — surveyed 400 claimants who, within the past decade, had entered into a settlement of a physical injury or workers’ compensation claim of at least $100,000.
Buffet on Settlements

Warren Buffett Discusses Structured Settlements

Non-Qualified Assignment and Funding Agreement Assignment Products

Non-Qualified Assignment and Funding Agreement Assignment Products

Structuring an Employment Settlement: A Tax Efficient Solution

Structuring an Employment Settlement: A Tax Efficient Solution

The Power of Innovation

The Power of Innovation

Tax-Deferred Investment Solutions with Market-Related Returns Exclusively for Attorney Contingency Fees

Periodic Payment Reinsurance Q&A

Periodic Payment Reinsurance Q&A

INNOVATIONCombining the tax advantages of a structured settlement with market-related returns.

The Power of  Innovation

Combining the tax advantages of a structured settlement with market-related returns

Treasury Funded Structured Settlement

Treasury Funded Structured Settlement

Providing Enhanced Security with U.S. Government Obligations Held in a Periodic Payment Trust

Benefits of Structured Settlements

The Benefits of Structured Settlements

With so many investment options available in the financial world today it’s dificult to know which one is best f or you and your family. There are numerous variables that go into a decision of this magnitude and it’s important to compare all of your options before you choose one or more investment and its return.

Investment product comparison: The benefits of structured settlements1

Investment product comparison

With so many investment options available, it’s difficult to know which one is best for you and your family. There are many variables that go into this important decision and it’s necessary to compare all of your investment options.

Retirement Annuities

The Need to Insure Retirement with
Fixed Deferred and Immediate Annuities

Position paper from the National Association for Fixed Annuities demonstrates why a fixed annuity is the only product that allows individuals to accumulate retirement savings, protect those savings from declining markets, and receive guaranteed income for life.

Investment product comparison: The benefits of structured settlements1

Investment product comparison

With so many investment options available, it’s difficult to know which one is best for you and your family. There are many variables that go into this important decision and it’s necessary to compare all of your investment options.

2021 Structured Settlements Poll

2021 Structured Settlements Poll

What Personal Injury Attorneys Really Think — and How Brokers Can Help

2021 Structured Settlements Poll

Rational Decumulation

Economic research paper focuses on the decumulation decision that faces an individual upon entering retirement, and seeks a rational set of choices for an individual who receives a lump-sum settlement from retirement savings programs.

Fixed Indexed Annuities: Consider the Alternative

Fixed Indexed Annuities:
Consider the Alternative

A Fixed Index Annuity may be an attractive alternative to traditional fixed income options like bonds to accumulate financial assets (tax-deferred) prior to retirement.

Sequence of returns: Don’t roll the dice with retirement.

Sequence of returns: Don’t roll the dice with retirement

Retirees who saved a good portion of their earnings during their working years, accumulated a sizeable nest egg, and allocated their assets in a way that matched their risk profile and supported their future spending needs should feel confident about their ability to enjoy a long, happy retirement… Or should they?

Sequence of returns: Don’t roll the dice with retirement.

Structuring an Employment Settlement: A Tax Efficient Solution

When an employee recovers damages for a wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment and other claim, they may have the option to choose whether to receive the money in a lump sum, or with periodic payments known as a structured settlement.

MetLife 2022 Structured Settlements Poll

2022 Structured Settlements Poll

For the MetLife 2022 Structured Settlements Poll, a telephone survey was commissioned of 50 claims professionals to better understand their familiarity with structured settlements for personal physical injury claimants. On average, the majority of claims professionals surveyed work for a company with more than 100 employees (76%), were age 50, and have been managing claims for 19 years.

STRUCTURED SETTLEMENTS The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy

The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy

Is a structured settlement simply another investment?
No. To qualify for tax-free benefit status, the terms of a structured settlement are actually crafted into the legal settlement itself. If the settlement is not finalized exactly this way, you lose the benefit. A structured settlement represents a one-time opportunity to secure a key element of your financial future on uniquely favorable tax terms.

2023 Structured Settlements Poll

2023 Structured Settlements Poll

Viewpoints from Employment Plaintiff Attorneys – and How Brokers Can Help
Nearly 25,000 employment lawsuits are filed annually in the U.S., with the majority of cases settling out of court before ever going to trial. Both sides in an employment lawsuit prefer to settle for many
reasons, including limiting the time and expense of a protracted trial, maintaining confidentiality, protecting their reputations, and ensuring more certainty in the outcome.

Three Reasons to Seek Annuity Income

Three Reasons to Seek Annuity Income

When approaching retirement, many families struggle with the transition from living off a stream of income to living off a limited pool of retirement savings.

Guaranteed Income Secure Growth Potential

Guaranteed Income Secure Growth Potential

If you’re like many physical injury claimants, you may have some financial questions about your settlement options, such as: How can I be sure income will be there when I need it? Is there a way to grow funds securely? How can I reduce the impact of future income taxes? For decades, Prudential has provided solutions to help settlement recipients achieve a secure financial future. And now, we have another option to help meet your needs.

2022 Survey of Owners of Individual Annuity Contracts

2022 Survey of Owners of Individual Annuity Contracts

This document is a report on the 2022 Survey of Owners of Individual Annuity Contracts conducted by The Gallup Organization and Mathew Greenwald & Associates for The Committee of Annuity Insurers. It provides key findings on the demographic characteristics of annuity owners, their attitudes toward retirement savings and security, sources of income in retirement, reasons for saving through annuities, perceptions and concerns of annuity owners, and characteristics and uses of individual annuities. ​

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