Is Oil Boom for California Nigh?

Is Oil Boom for California Nigh?

January 16, 2013 – Yesterday’s CNN/Money column “California Shale Boom Possible” was a timely article for us to remind our clients about a money-saving option available to those who lease their land for oil and gas exploration.

In August of 2011 we announced the availability of a new application of the structured settlement concept designed to help landowners defer taxes on the bonus payments they typically receive for leasing their land.

Gas Drilling RigIn addition to potential future royalties, landowners are commonly offered substantial up-front cash bonus payments as an inducement to leasing the land for prospecting.  Because this bonus payment is fully taxable, the Structured Oil & Gas Lease Bonus Option can help spread the tax burden out over a number of years saving the taxpayer money.

To learn more about this unique approach to saving money on oil & gas leases, visit our companion website at:


Finn Financial Group