Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Revolution

Spinal Cord Injury Lifestyle Revolution


TEK Robotics Mobilization Device

July 16, 2013 – I’m apparently a little late to this party but I ran across the most fascinating video today.

Scientists in Turkey have created an amazing looking (and acting) robotics alternative to the wheelchair which gives paraplegics significantly more mobility.

The TEK Robotic Mobilization Device (TekRMD) could very well be the most liberating technological advance those with certain spinal cord injuries have witnessed since the invention of the wheelchair over 100 years ago.

The video is so uplifting (pun intended) that I’m not going to belabor the point here since you’ll want to see for yourself how this works.

But because of our line of work, we applaud any advancement that helps those whose lives have been uprooted.

This revolutionary piece of durable medical equipment holds tremendous promise to help those with spinal cord injuries better adapt to their surroundings.

We encourage ALL of the professionals with whom we regularly interface (claims professionals, attorneys, mediators, life care planners, case managers, etc.) to take a few minutes to watch how this great invention works.

You will be impressed.

Finn Financial Group