Taxable Damage Structured Settlements
From our May 6, 2013 Newsletter:
Be sure to read my latest article
“Taxable Damage Structured Settlements:
Solving the unintentional verdict and settlement unfairness problem caused by Prop 30 and ATRA”
appearing in the May, 2013 issue of Advocate:
Click [HERE] to read the article online
For those outside the area who may be unfamiliar with this particular periodical, Advocate is a monthly publication of the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles, the nation’s largest local association of plaintiffs’ attorneys.
While the topic of structuring taxable settlements, verdicts and attorney fees is nothing new, recent changes to top end tax brackets, particularly in California and other high income tax states, have elevated the importance of this subject to unprecedented levels.
In short: Many taxable cash settlements come with a high cost attached which, for most, can be ameliorated by structuring.
For this reason, we have developed some proprietary analytical tools designed to specifically address the impact of Proposition 30 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.
We invite you to contact us anytime for a complimentary and confidential demonstration so we can help you make more informed decisions about these taxable matters in advance of settling any of your pending cases.
BONUS: Schedule Your MCLE Session TODAY
As a service to the California legal community, we even created a seminar based on this timely topic which has been submitted for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit. If your law firm, bar association or other attorney group wants to learn more more, please let us know how we can help.
I hope you enjoy the article and find it helpful in your practice.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service and best wishes for continued success!
Posted: May 6, 2013 | by dan | Category: Articles, Blog, Newsletter, Structured Settlements