Admitted Assets Up

Admitted Assets Up

Life Industry Shores Up Balance Sheets 

October 18, 2011 – The life insurance industry’s admitted assets stood at $5.4 trillion as of June 30, 2011 according to A. M. Best.  This represents a 3% increase over the first six months of 2010.

Why should this matter to our clients?

In an economy where ALL industries are challenged, it means that the life insurance companies offering structured settlements continue to rise to the occasion. 

The Insurance Information Institute defines admitted assets as:

Assets recognized and accepted by state insurance laws in determining the solvency of insurers and reinsurers. To make it easier to assess an insurance company’s financial position, state statutory accounting rules do not permit certain assets to be included on the balance sheet. Only assets that can be easily sold in the event of liquidation or borrowed against, and receivables for which payment can be reasonably anticipated, are included in admitted assets.

The life insurance companies offering structured settlement products and services average about 125 years in business. 

We think that’s a pretty good track record for honoring one’s promises.

No question the entire industry will continue to be challenged but as “sure things” go, you’d be hard pressed to find anything surer for your future financial security.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service!

Finn Financial Group